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Director of Sculpture / Contributor

Born in Nottingham England in 1957, I am an artist, holding a degree in Sculpture out of Bath Academy of Art (1979).


I am an experienced wood and stone carver, as well as facilitator and mentor in creative work. I have exhibited through group exhibitions and 'open studio' events, but have found a deeper sense of belonging as an artist in working to commission, and this has been my main focus as an artist since my college years. 


My early work focused on installations and place specific pieces, within both natural and human environments, and through this work a passion for environmental issues and the natural world in relation to the arts developed. This remains a key element of my work, informing a pragmatic view of art-work as an active form of dialogue that can help us understand identity and our place in the world.


In the late 80's I began an experiential study of 'creative dynamics' within the human environment, in settings as diverse as co-operative organisations, the recycling and organic food industries, and indigenous communities. As a result, in the early 90's I trained in professional co-operative managment practices with ICOM and was invited as a representative of the British Worker's Co-operative Movement to the Mondragon Co-operative in the Basque, northern Spain.

In the mid 90's I undertook a 15 year period of study with elders within the indigenous traditions of northern Europe, Africa and the Americas, focusing on the place and role of creative work within natural community. Through these diverse paths of learning, I have come to view creative work as an alchemical vessel capable of delivering profound transformation and a deeper capacity for perception and participation in life. 


Following this thread, in 2012 I was commissioned by Rowan Jacqueline to carve the 'Sun Child' for her community dance work in Sweden. Having witnessed and experienced the beauty and depth of Rowan's work, I am delighted to take up her appointment as 'sculptural director' within Tongues In The Flowering Tree.

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